
Sow seeds into revival

If you have a desire to help those in need and bring many to salvation, partner with Christ in Action Ministries, and become part of the movement. Sow a seed into what God is doing on the Earth. 

We have 3 main methods of partnering with CIAM, namely; PayFast, PayPal and EFT. Within these methods you can use a variety of payment methods to suit your needs. 

Thank you for your faithfulness!

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PayFast supports credit & debit cards, instant EFT, MobiCred, Masterpress, Zapper and SCode.

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Yoco supports credit & debit cards


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Direct EFT

If you feel more comfortable making your own EFT payments, here are our bank details. 

CIA Ministries Pty (Ltd)

FNB Cheque

Account number: 62693953757

Branch Code: 250655



Matthew 6:33 – “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”