Sow seeds into revival
If you have a desire to help those in need and bring many to salvation, partner with Christ in Action Ministries, and become part of the movement. Sow a seed into what God is doing on the Earth.
We have 3 main methods of partnering with CIAM, namely; PayFast, PayPal and EFT. Within these methods you can use a variety of payment methods to suit your needs.
Thank you for your faithfulness!

donate via
PayFast supports credit & debit cards, instant EFT, MobiCred, Masterpress, Zapper and SCode.

Donate via
Direct EFT
If you feel more comfortable making your own EFT payments, here are our bank details.
CIA Ministries Pty (Ltd)
FNB Cheque
Account number: 62693953757
Branch Code: 250655
Matthew 6:33 – “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”