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About Us
It is not about me, but all about Jesus!
Just a little background as to who I am. I am Pickard Henn born in Cape Town on the 30th of May 1991. For most of my younger years we moved a lot from town to town due to the work my dad was doing, and at the age of 12 we moved to Upington and settled in there. Growing up I was no angel, I gave rebellion a new name, doing everything a mother would not be proud of. I knew all the rules and made sure it could never be used against me because I was always a step a head of the game. And because I am a peoples person I had a lot of so called friends.
I have the best parents in the world and they supported me throughout my life, but one thing was missing in my upbringing JESUS….. At the age of 19 I fell in love with a girl and she truly became my whole world. And at this time I was into bodybuilding, however I was never going to do things the right way so steroids and cocaine and basically anything illegal became my life, this continued for a few years but in the same time I was not happy because my life was all about my outward image and how I could impress others by what I have and what I look like. At the age of 24 very unexpectedly my girlfriend of nearly 5 years just said she had enough and walked out of my life, leaving me broken depressed and suicidal.
I was on anti depressants and was given sleeping pills just so that I could “function” until one night…. I just couldn’t anymore, and tried to end my life once again. But God had a plan greater than any other plan I had ever made, and that night I failed in my attempt to commit suicide and I heard God saying “you don’t even know Me, but you are angry with Me” I surrendered my life to Jesus, and His great plan started unfolding in my life, and I was just amazed at how much He loves me!!!!!! My identity is in Christ, and I devote my Life to Him and to spreading His word, love and truth so that as many people as possible may be saved.